
Sabun Sertu - Purification Soap

Sabun Pinggan Mangkuk Purification soap for heavy najasah (pig & dog)
Sabun Sertu meaning Soap for Sevenfold ablution purification.

I check the meaning of Sertu in the dictionary meaning In Islam when a person comes in contact with unclean animals such as pigs or dogs, or if the utensils may have come in contact pork or any unclean animals flesh need to perform a sevenfold ablution cleansing.

This is purification soap with mixture of clay for washing utensils. I bought this from the Malay store.

Water, sodium lauryl, Ethar sulphate, coconut Diethanolamide, Citric Acid, Tanah Liat.

This soap contain the appropriate mixture of clay and it is safe for daily usage.

  1. Wash part of the utensil meant for cleansing
  2. Apply Almughallazoh
  3. Rinse Five times with clean water
* much shake well before using cos the mug settle down the bottom.

I bought this because my family do not keep kosher. 

 Taharah is a purification soap for body when come in contact with unclean animal or trace of element 

Types of Najasah = Tamei (Hebrew) opposite Tahor (Hebrew)                   

Technically, najasah is any kind of uncleanliness (khabath) which may require the Muslim to remove  it by washing before embarking on prayer.The opposite of najasah is taharah.