
Why Keep Kosher?

Why Keep Kosher?

It is simple instruction given by our Creator of Universe for good of all mankind. The Jewish teaching that non-kosher food has a negative effect on a soul. The soul is like an antenna that picks up waves of spiritual energy. Eating non-kosher food damages the capacity of the soul to "connect spiritually." This damage can be repaired once a person starts eating kosher again. Keep Kosher require a great deal of discipline, commitment and determination. Keep kosher is also for health reasons eg, blood carries diseases, shellfish carries disease such a typroid, hypertites, and skin alergics. Milk and meat when both taken at the same time causes unequally digestion. Pork can carry trichinosis and other parasites. Keep Kosher is also a moral lesson not to be cruel to animals since they gave their lives to sustain us. Finally keeping Kosher help a believer from accidentally or unknowningly partake food that are offered to idols. For example in Chinese community uses chicken, pork, certain type of fruits, cakes and drinks to offer to chinese deities gods. Any kosher food or kosher species if use to offer to idols or comes in contact with unkosher food mixture or preparation become unkosher.
